lunedì 21 agosto 2017


What did people say about why he stopped as a novelist? 

Qu'a-t-on dit sur les raisons pour lesquelles Simenon cessa d'être un romancier ?
Cosa si è detto sulle ragioni per cui  Simenon cesso d'essere un romanziere?

Soon after writing his last roman dur in October 1971 and the last Maigret in February 1972, Simenon decided to stop writing novels permanentlySome recent searching for the why and wherefore behind this decision turned up many reasons from many people. A sampling of the offered explanations follows below— Simenon’s own words will make up a forthcoming Part 2. 
His son Marc, who might have known the most, listed four factors1) “He was 70 years old and had health problems like everyone.” 2) “He always wrote in an astonishing wayThe doctors advised against this excessive routine.” 3) “This decision also fits my father’s character very wellHe always feels a need to shed his skin, to inaugurate a new phase.” 4) My father is a man of sometimes abrupt decisions who never fails to make a clean sweep.” This interview included one denial: when asked if his father had quit because he feared a lack of commercial success, Marc insisted, “Not at all” and pointed out how the last novel had been “a clear success.” 
Simenon’s best biographer probably knows a lot, too: in considering why the writer abruptly put the designator “without profession in place of  “novelist” on his passport, Pierre Assouline floated several ideas: First, he indicated that “Simenon knew the name of the guilty party,” citing the author’s recall of Denise’s boast to break my pen in evidence. But the biographer added how the writer “no longer had the strength to continue, and so, he “preferred to stop.” The biographer also wondered if the “imperious need to write had deserted him at the same time. Finally, in light of Simenon’s two declarations, almost 20 years apart, that “writing is a vocation of misery, perhaps the writer quit in order to “no longer be miserable.” In striking contrast, Rudi Chelminski explained the sudden stop in a few wordsSimenon “was suffering from vertigo and was no longer able to bear the strain.” 
Some contended the stop was because of poor quality results: in reviewing Maigret and Monsieur CharlesNoëlle Loriot reproached him this time for having botched his book” and credited her critical article as a “determinant” in the stop because “a little while later he officially announced he was putting an end to his novelist career.” Leslie Garis similarly discerned poor quality as a cause in her Simenon interviewto her question of ''Why was your last novel a Maigret?'' the response was: ‘‘because, little by little, the Maigret stories became the same as my other novels. The question of mystery disappeared. In the last 20, there was almost no story, and people knew from the first chapter who the killer was and what would happen.'' 
But some countered the novelist had never really quit: Mark Lawson called Simenon an unstoppable novelist, suggesting he just changed from writing to dictating with “the more than 20 volumes” of subsequently published works. 
One obituary writer agreed that “writing was second nature to him, and in 'retirement' he wrote as much—if not more—than ever, offering a Simenon quote in summation: Even if I live to be 100, I will never stop writing. I will only stop writing when I am completely incapable -- that is, when I am dead. 
David P Simmons

domenica 20 agosto 2017

Un choix de trois romans de la saga, sur un thème particulier  

Trois enquêtes d'été 

On a souvent une image de Maigret pataugeant dans les pluies d'automne, le col du pardessus relevé, le chapeau dégoulinant d'eau et la pipe éteinte à cause du tabac mouillé… C'est vrai qu'un certain nombre d'enquêtes se déroulent pendant les saisons humides et froides, mais ce n'est pas une constante dans la saga… On y trouve aussi des enquêtes se passant pendant les chaudes journées d'été. En voici trois exemples.
"Maigret retira son veston, glissa un mouchoir sous son chapeau melon afin de protéger sa nuque […] il 'y avait pas la moindre trace d'ombre. Le soleil était d'une triste couleur de cuivre. Les mouches piquaient rageusement, annonçant l'orage." (Monsieur Gallet, décédé) 
"Ce fut une semaine maussade, éreintante, toute remplie de tâches, de petites déboires, de démarches délicates, dans un Paris torride dont un orage, chaque soir vers les six heures, transformait les rues en rivières." (La guinguette à deux sous) 
"Maigret, qui voudrait bien avoir l'air indifférent, est debout dans le soleil et s'éponge. […] On est en août. Paris sent le bitume." (Signé Picpus) 

Una scelta di tre romanzi della serie, su un tema particolare 

Tre inchieste  d’estate

Si ha spesso l’immagine di un Maigret avvolto nella piogga d’autunno, il bavero del cappotto alzato, il cappello inzuppato d’acqua e la pipa spenta a causa del tabacco inumidito….è vero che un certo numero d’inchieste si svolgono nelle stagioni umide e fredde, ma non è una costante nella serie… Si trovano spesso delle inchieste che hanno luogo durante le calde giornate estive. E infatti ecco tre esempi. 
«Maigret prese la sua giacca, fece scivolare un fazzoletto sotto il suo cappello per proteggersi la nuca.[…] non c’era la minima traccia d’ombra. Il sole era di un triste colore di rame, le mosche pungevano rabbiosamente, annunciando il temporale». (Il defunto signor Gallet) 
«Fu una settimana difficile e logorante, tutta piena di incarichi, di piccole incombenze, di passi delicati, in una Parigi torrida in cui un temporale, ogni sera verso le sei, trasformava le strade in fiumi» (La balera da due soldi)  
«Maigret, che vuole assumere un’aria indifferente, è in piedi in pieno sole s’asciuga la fronte.[…] E’ agosto. Parigi ha l'odore dell'asfalto.»(Firmato Picpus) 

A choice of three novels of the saga, on a particular theme 

Three summer investigations 

We often get a picture of Maigret wading in autumn rains, the collar of his overcoat raised, his hat dripping with water and his pipe gone out because of the wet tobacco… It is true that a number of investigations take place in damp and cold seasons, but this is not a constant in the saga… You can also find investigations taking place in hot summer days. Here are three examples. 
"Maigret removed his jacket, slipped a handkerchief under his bowler hat to protect his neck […] there was no shade at all. The sun was of a sad copper color. Flies stung furiously, so that you could expect a thunderstorm." (The late Monsieur Gallet)
"It was a gloomy, exhausting week, all filled with tasks, little disappointments, delicate approach, in a hot Paris, and the thunderstorm, every evening at six, changed the streets into rivers." (The Two-Penny Bar) 
"Maigret, who would like to look indifferent, is standing in the sun and mopping his head. […] It's August. Paris smells of tar." (Signed, Picpus) 

by Simenon Simenon