lunedì 12 novembre 2018


On the incarceration theme in roman dur recently translated, The Mahé Circle 

Sur le thème de l’incarcération dans un “roman dur” récemment  traduit, Le Cercle des Mahé 
Sul tema della carcerazione  in un "romans dur" recentemente tradotto Le Cercle des Mahé

In The Mahé Circle, Simenon cleverly blends two themes by moving the novels action back and forth between the French mainland and a Mediterranean island. Gradually, over the course of a few years, the protagonist recognizes his life of restraint and transitions into one of reaction. Doctor François Mahé is a general practitioner living in Sainte-Hilaire with his wife and two young children. A routine island vacation exposes the 32-year-old man to a unique existence unlike his mainland existence and the story evolves step by step to end on the island.
Back home again, François contemplates his lifelong setting: it “resembled a post card in which “he saw and felt himself embedded in a world of frightening immutability. Surrounded by “15 or 20 Mahé-labeled houses in a countryside “filled with Mahés, François recognizes ”what was strange, troubling, and even agonizing was the same “immutability” within his household where he is trapped by two women of whom “one would have said they had been knitting forever.” So, he begins to think that “he has to make an effort to escape this depressing feeling. 
In point of fact, his mother is the chief problem. Widowed when François was only three, she raised himmade him a monsieur, bought his house, made him a doctor, and acquired a practice for him. Most importantly, “she was the one who got him married, and he kept on living with his mother because “when he got married, he had not had, like others who left their homes, a sensation of liberty.” Now, he realizes “it was not for him that his mother had chosen her—he was thinking about Hélène, of course—it was for herself.” For a long time, he had felt he could not have asked for more: peace and leisure. Fishing and hunting. Good dogs and a wife who “helped his mother care for him […] because the rule is to care for the man, the one who makes the living for the household.” As his eyes open wider, he sees how these two women “had imprisoned him and he, the big naïve one, had not noticed it.” Despite her “gentle and soft” demeanor, “he had lived too much with his mother to be able to say squarely: “We will do this or that… In sum, “she was the only one he was afraid of and “he always had the same fear of her.” 
During four trips to the island with his familybut without his motherFrançois senses the potential for another life unlike the lifetime confinement in Sainte-Hilaire, which becomes ”another world in which everything had ceased to live its normal life.” In comparing the two locationswhat titillates his imagination above all, is the red spot, this being Elisabeth, a mysterious little girl who “must not own any other dress than the red cotton one, who captivates him. Ultimately, among the many symbolic images “engraved in his memory with strong force,” it is “the red dress above all” that haunts and possesses him. Over time, as the “skinny” girl develops breasts and a “womanly look,” François’ attraction becomes sensual as well as spiritual. Despite his obsessive attraction to the red spot, he just observes her and does not speak to her, inexplicably remaining enormous i“his stupid immobility.” Still, Simenon’s narrative seems to promise he will act in time. 

David P Simmons 

domenica 11 novembre 2018


L'habillement de Maigret, au cinéma et à la télévision 

L'abbigliamento di Maigret, al cinema ed alla televisione 
Maigret's clothing in the movies and on television 

• Le complet
Le commissaire, en homme de sa génération, s'habille sobrement d'un complet, c'est-à-dire d'un costume composé d'un veston et d'un pantalon assortis, parfois accompagné d'un gilet. Il faut imaginer ce costume d'une couleur sombre, probablement noire pour les romans des périodes Fayard et Gallimard, mais peut-être d'autres teintes par la suite, conformément à la mode des années 1950 et au-delà, telles que le gris, le bleu foncé ou le marron. On peut suivre cette évolution aussi dans les adaptations cinématographiques et télévisées. 

• Il vestito 
Il commissario, come ogni uomo della sua generazione, veste sobriamente con un completo, cioè un vestito composto da una giacca, e un pantalone, spesso accompagnati da un gilet. Bisogna immaginarlo di un colore scuro, probabilmente nero per i romanzi dei periodi Fayard e Gallimard, ma forse di altri colori nel seguito della serie, in accordo con la moda degli anni 1950 e seguenti, come il grigio, il blu scuro o il marrone. Si può seguire questa evoluzione anche negli adattamenti cinematografici e televisivi.  

• The suit 
The Chief Inspectoras a man of his generation, is soberly dressed in a suit consisting of a jacket and trousers, sometimes with a waistcoat. Whave to imagine this suit of a dark color, probably black for the Fayard and Gallimard novels, but maybe of some other colors later on, in accordance with the fashion of the 1950s and beyond, such as grey, dark blue or brown. We can also follow this evolution in the cinema and TV adaptations.  

Rien de surprenant dans les trois premières adaptations: les acteurs portent un costume qui est bien proche de ce que l'on imagine pour Maigret en lisant les romans contemporains. Probablement d'ailleurs les interprètes n'ont-ils pas dû beaucoup forcer la note, et ces «vêtements comme en porte n'importe quel fonctionnaire, qu'il soit de la police ou non» (dixit Maigret dans ses Mémoires à propos de Pierre Renoir) étaient sans doute ceux qu'eux-mêmes pouvaient porter à la ville… 

Niente di speciale nei primi adattamenti: gli attori indossano un vestito che è molto simile a quello che si può immaginare per Maigret leggendo i romanzi dello stesso periodo. Probabilmente, d’altra parte gli interpreti non hanno dovuto forzare troppo la mano e questi « vestiti come un qualsiasi funzionario non solo della polizia » (dixit Maigret nelle sue Mémoires a proposito di Pierre Renoir) erano senza dubbio quelli che loro stessi potevano portare in città…

Nothing surprising in the first three adaptations: actors are wearing a suit very close to what we can imagine for Maigret by reading contemporary novels. Besides, probably actors didn’t' have any particular difficulty to wear these "clothes worn by any official, whether police or not" (as Maigret said in his Memoirs speaking of Pierre Renoir), because these were no doubt of the same kind they wore themselves in everyday life 

Une décennie avait passé lorsqu'on retrouva Maigret au cinéma. Non seulement la mode avait changé, mais Préjean incarnait un commissaire un peu plus jeune, et cela se remarquait aussi dans sa façon de se vêtir.  

Era passato un decennio quando ritroviamo Maigret al cinema. Non solo la moda era cambiata, ma Préjean incarnava un commissario un po’ più giovane, e questo si capisce anche dal suo modo di vestire. 

A decade had passed when Maigret came again in the movies. Not only fashion had changed, but also Préjean embodied a little younger Chief Inspector, and this could be also noted in his way of dressing.  

Presque deux décennies plus tard, c'était au tour de Jean Gabin de s'essayer au costume de Maigret. On raconte que l'acteur poussa la conscience professionnelle jusqu'à renoncer à son tailleur habituel, et qu'il s'habilla A la Belle Jardinière, une enseigne parisienne très connue de confection en série. Gabin vous présente ici trois versions du complet: version légère pour la touffeur de l'été, version chaude pour l'arrière-saison, et version élégante pour contrer le gangstérisme américain par le chic français ! 

Quasi due decenni dopo, fu il turno di Jean Gabin di cimentarsi con il vestito di Maigret. Si racconta che l’attore spinse il suo scrupolo professionale fino a rinunciare al suo sarto abituale, e a vestirsi A la Belle Jardinière, una firma parigina molto conosciuta di confezioni in serie. Gabin ci presenta tre versione del suo vestito : versione leggera per la calura estiva, versione calda per il tempo piovoso, e versione elegante per contrastare i gangster americani con lo « chic » francese! 

Almost two decades later on it was Jean Gabin's turn to try Maigret's suit. It is said that the actor was so professionally conscientious that he gave up his usual tailor and that he got dressed at A la Belle Jardinièrea well-known Parisian clothing brand of mass production. Here Gabin presents three versions of the suit: a light one for stifling summer days, a warm one for cold season, and a smart one to counter American gangsterism by French chic!  

Mesdames, faites votre choix… élégance britannique ou tournure à l'italienne… 

   • Signore, fate la vostra scelta… eleganza britannica o taglio all’italiana….

Ladies, make your choice… British elegance or Italian trend…

• Le passage à la télévision en couleurs va permettre d'autres variations dans les costumes… bleu sobre à l'anglaise, ou modalités variées à la française…  

• Il passaggio alla televisione a colori consentirà altre variazioni nel vestiario… dal blu scuro all’inglese, alla varietà di colori alla francese… 

• Shift to color television will allow other variations in suits… sober blue in an English way or varied modalities in the French way 
Murielle Wenger