giovedì 19 dicembre 2019


About the novel "Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas" (The Grand Banks Café) 

A proposito del romanzo "Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas" (All' Insegna dei Terranova) 
A propos du roman Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas 

Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas, published in 1931, is the best-known of Simenon’s Fécamp narratives. The novel offers the most complete overview of the author’s response to his experiences in the town in 1928-1929 as well as marking a number of steps in the evolution of the character of Maigret and Simenon’s literary development. 
Accompanied by his wife, the commissaire travels to Fécamp in response to an appeal from a schoolfriend, now himself a schoolteacher, one of whose former pupils, Pierre Le Clinche, has been arrested under suspicion of having killed the captain of the trawler on which he worked on its return to port. In the course of his unofficial inquiry, Maigret encounters several crew members, Le Clinche’s fiancée and Adèle, a young woman with something to hide. Maigret immerses himself in the atmosphere of the Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas, a bar frequented by fishermen, as well as visiting the trawler, the Océan, in his search to discover who had the means, the motive and the opportunity to have killed captain Fallut. The commissaire establishes Le Clinche’s innocence but on uncovering the identity of the killer he decides that no good can come from sharing this information with the local police and the Maigrets return to Paris.  
In Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas, Simenon develops his narrative by means of a series of contrasts, for example between the owner and the crew of the Océan and Le Clinche’s respectable fiancée and the scarlet woman Adèle, and this technique is also seen in the presentation of the town of Fécamp. Indeed, the names of the two locations between which Maigret divides his time – the Hôtel de la Plage and Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas - throw into relief the town’s twin identity as a place of leisure for some and work for others: ‘[The Maigrets] arrived at the Hôtel de la Plage at five o’clock, and Madame Maigret immediately began rearranging their room to her taste. Then they dined. […] Just opposite, the trawler Océan was moored to the quay near a line of trucks. […] In the harsh light people were moving about unloading the cod, which was passed from hand to hand and piled up in the trucks after being weighed.’  
Standing at Maigret’s shoulder, the reader is witness to an industry in transition when P’tit Louis explains that ‘Sailing ships only make one trip, from February to September. But trawlers have time to go twice to the Banks.’ Like any capitalist industry, cod fishing is based on a division of labour with strict hierarchical lines between each social layer. At the top, is the ship owner, whose power and wealth stem from his ownership of the means of production (the trawler with its navigation equipment and nets) and the product of his employees’ labour (the cod caught on the Grand Bank). All that counts is profit and when Maigret questions the owner of the Océan about the death of captain Fallut, his response is unequivocal: ‘What do I think? I think that here’s eight hundred tons of damaged cod. And that if it goes on like this, the boat won’t make a second trip. And it’s not the police who settle up these matters or meet the deficit.’ Next, comes the ship’s captain, manager of a unit of production in the same way as a factory manager; then the specialist technicians, the engineer and radio operator; finally, at the bottom, the sailors, men like P’tit Louis, who ‘work like demons’ but are so brutalised that ‘Once they’re ashore they’re always like this, drinking, shouting, fighting, breaking windows.’  
Throughout his work, Simenon displays a strong belief in the importance of boundaries as an element of social stability in which each class plays its “natural” role, so “crossing the line” is an action that risks destabilising the social equilibrium, as in the sexual liaisons of the Countess de Saint-Fiacre (L’Affaire Saint-Fiacre) or the social ascension of the Fécampois ship’s captain Emile Bouet (‘Le bateau d’Emile’). And it is the cross-class dalliance of captain Fallut with Adèle that is the trigger for the disaster that follows - his own death, that of the cabin boy and the threat to the future happiness of Le Clinche and his fiancée.  
In terms of Simenon’s literary techniques, Fécamp’s status as a fishing port offers numerous opportunities to add the sense of smell to the various sensory touches that he deploys to create an atmosphere, adding to a palette of colour, sound and movement: ‘The water slapped the sides of the ship, which was imperceptibly getting up steam. […] On the right was a lighthouse. At the end of one jetty was a green light; a red one at the end of the other. The sea was a great black hole which gave out a strong smell.’ Indeed, the sense of smell is critical to the two sides of Fécamp represented in the novel; when Maigret returns to his hotel, his wife remarks ‘You smell of scent…’ and the narrator explains that ‘A little bit of Adèle’s strong perfume must have clung to him. A perfume as common as the blue wine you got at a bistro. For months it had mingled on the trawler with the rank smell of cod.’ 
In conclusion, Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas is a seminal text in the development of the Maigret saga in terms of its integration of plot, character and setting. Simenon draws on his own experiences to paint a lively and realistic portrait of the Normandy coastline and Fécamp finds an artist capable of rendering its multi-facetted daily life accessible to a mass readership through the medium of crime fiction.  

William Alder 

mercoledì 18 dicembre 2019


Cette année, nous commémorons les 30 ans de la disparition du romancier. Notre blog lui a rendu hommage au cours de ces derniers mois dans cette rubrique, dont voici le dernier chapitre.

Quest’anno ricordiamo i 30 anni dalla scomparsa del romanziere. Il nostro blog gli ha reso omaggio nel corso di questi ultimi mesi con questo rubrica di cui oggi presentiamo l’ultima puntata.

This year, we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the disappearance of the novelist. Our blog has paid tribute during the last months in this column; today the ultimate chapter.

11) 30 personnages dans les romans de Simenon
Bébé Donge, Betty, Jeanne Martineau, Marguerite Bouin, Louise Lomel, Dominique Salès, Nancy Hogan, Mona Sanders, Belle Sherman, Marie Gladel, Else Andersen, Aline Calas, Valentine Besson, Anna Peeters, Nathalie Sabin-Levesque
Norbert Monde, Joris Terlink, Jonas Milk, Lucien Gobillot, Léon Labbé, Kees Popinga, Hector Loursat, Charles Alavoine, Frank Friedmaier, Louis Cuchas, Jean Radek, Emile Ducrau, Dr Bellamy, Louis Thouret, Honoré Cuendet

11) 30 personaggi nei romanzi di Simenon
Bébé Donge, Betty, Jeanne Martineau, Marguerite Bouin, Louise Lomel, Dominique Salès, Nancy Hogan, Mona Sanders, Belle Sherman, Marie Gladel, Else Andersen, Aline Calas, Valentine Besson, Anna Peeters, Nathalie Sabin-Levesque
Norbert Monde, Joris Terlink, Jonas Milk, Lucien Gobillot, Léon Labbé, Kees Popinga, Hector Loursat, Charles Alavoine, Frank Friedmaier, Louis Cuchas, Jean Radek, Emile Ducrau, Dr Bellamy, Louis Thouret, Honoré Cuendet

11) 30 characters in Simenon’s novels
Bébé Donge, Betty, Jeanne Martineau, Marguerite Bouin, Louise Lomel, Dominique Salès, Nancy Hogan, Mona Sanders, Belle Sherman, Marie Gladel, Else Andersen, Aline Calas, Valentine Besson, Anna Peeters, Nathalie Sabin-Levesque
Norbert Monde, Joris Terlink, Jonas Milk, Lucien Gobillot, Léon Labbé, Kees Popinga, Hector Loursat, Charles Alavoine, Frank Friedmaier, Louis Cuchas, Jean Radek, Emile Ducrau, Dr Bellamy, Louis Thouret, Honoré Cuendet

Murielle Wenger

martedì 17 dicembre 2019


Les souvenirs du voyage nordique de Simenon

Ricordi del viaggio nordico di Simenon

Memories of Simenon’s Nordic trip

Simenon a été un grand voyageur. Il a ramené de ses périples des souvenirs, des décors et des ambiances dont il a fait la toile de fond de plusieurs romans « exotiques ». Rappelons Le Coup de lune après l’Afrique, Les Gens d’en face après le voyage en URSS ou Quartier nègre au retour du tour du monde de 1934-1935. Et tant d’autres… sans oublier, bien sûr, tous les reportages et les très nombreuses photographies qu’il avait prises lui-même.
Ce goût du voyage, Simenon l’a satisfait très tôt, et déjà avant sa première grande expédition (l’Afrique en 1933), il avait accompli, plus modestement, un tour de France en 1928, puis un voyage à bord de l’Ostrogoth, qui le mena de la France jusqu’aux Pays-Bas. Mais on oublie parfois que durant l’hiver 1929-1930, il poussa une pointe plus au nord, puisqu’il se rendit jusqu’au-delà du cercle polaire. Non à bord de l’Ostrogoth, comme il l’a parfois affirmé, mais en empruntant des bateaux norvégiens, dont l’un s’appelait le Polarlys.
On parle moins souvent de ce voyage, peut-être parce que, contrairement aux autres, il ne lui a inspiré que peu de textes. Il a raconté son périple dans le reportage Escales nordiques (douze articles publiés entre le 1er et le 12 mars 1931 dans Le Petit Journal), et si aucun roman ne se déroule en Laponie, la Norvège est évoquée dans le roman Le Passager du Polarlys et elle est le décor de la nouvelle Le Docteur de Kirkenes. On trouve encore une brève allusion nordique dans Le Port des brumes, où Martineau déclare habiter Tromsö, dans les îles Lofoten.
Mais revenons au voyage de Simenon en Laponie. Dans ses textes autobiographiques, il est évoqué à plusieurs reprises : « le Grand Nord où je suis allé […] avec un petit bateau qui, longeant les côtes de Norvège, s’arrêtant à chaque petit port, vous conduisait en Laponie que vous parcouriez ensuite en traîneau à rennes, avec un Lapon pour guide ; vous vous couchiez dans la première tente qui se présentait et où pendait un renne écorché dans lequel, pour toute nourriture, on vous taillait une tranche de viande au goût rance. » (dictée Vacances obligatoires) ; « Nous étions, Tigy et moi, au-delà du cap Nord à la fin de l’hiver, c’est-à-dire quand l’obscurité régnait vingt-quatre heures par jour. Nous vivions avec les Lapons dans des tentes en peaux de rennes […] Et soudain j’ai senti chez nos amis une excitation particulière que je ne m’expliquais pas […]. J’ai compris deux jours après. Le soleil est soudain apparu à l’horizon et les Lapons se mirent à chanter et à danser avec frénésie. » (On dit que j’ai soixante-quinze ans)
Et dans les Mémoires intimes, Simenon raconte le voyage « vers l’océan Glacial […] le long des côtes de Norvège, et qui nous fit franchir le cap Nord […]. Pour arriver là, notre étrave avait dû tracer son sillon dans la glace. Des traîneaux tirés par des rennes nous feraient parcourir la Laponie […], dans l’immensité blanche, et nous étions nous-mêmes vêtus en Lapons, non pour le pittoresque ou pour la photo-souvenir, mais parce que nous n’aurions pas supporté autrement des froids de quarante-cinq degrés sous zéro. »
Ce n’est peut-être pas « pour la photo-souvenir », mais il n’empêche que dans le reportage publié par Le Petit Journal, on voyait bien Georges et Tigy poser pour une photographie, habillés en Lapons. Et le Fonds Simenon conserve également une autre photographie où Simenon se montre à côté d’un Lapon…
Par parenthèse, il faut savoir que dans son reportage, Simenon fait fort habilement la transition entre la partie du voyage qu’il fit à bord de l’Ostrogoth et celle à bord d’un autre bateau, de sorte que le lecteur de l’époque put croire que le reporter était vraiment allé dans le Grand Nord avec son bateau… Mais Simenon a toujours été un raconteur d’histoires, et on peut lui pardonner cette petite entorse à la vérité… D’autant plus que ses articles sont alertes, parsemés de traits d’humour, mais aussi très évocateurs. Ils ont été publiés dans le volume Mes apprentissages, parus chez Omnibus en 2001.

Murielle Wenger

lunedì 16 dicembre 2019


La Repubblica - 12/12/2019 - Gérald Morin  - Ricorda Federico Fellini. Dal set di "Roma", dove un giovane giornalista andava a caccia del suo mito, al lavoro di aiuto regista e molto di più. I ricordi di chi Federico lo conosceva benissimo. Da giovane, quando ero assistente alla regia di serie televisive a Ginevra, volevo conoscere Fellini a tutti i costi e lavorare con lui. Per partire per la Città Eterna, dove stava girando Roma, colsi la scusa di un'intervista. Vi arrivai giovedì 29 luglio 1971, con il biglietto di ritorno già in tasca e appena il tempo sufficiente a trovare Fellini e ottenere da lui quell'intervista per Choisir, la rivista dei gesuiti ginevrini. Passai due giorni a cercarlo e [...]  O quando Georges Simenon dichiarava di aver pianto durante la proiezione di "Casanova...>>>

domenica 15 dicembre 2019


Uscito nelle sale 60 anni fa', il film vede per la seconda volta Gabin interpretare Il commissario simenoniano

Sorti en salle il y a 60 ans, le film voit Jean Gabin interpréter pour la deuxième fois le commissaire simenonien
Released 60 years ago, it's the second film where Jean Gabin interpret the Simenonian Chief Inspector

Anno 1959, 
Regia di Jean Delannoy
Titolo originale Maigret et l'affaire Saint-Fiacre
Lingua originale francese
Paese di produzione Francia, Italia
Durata 101 min
Dati tecnici B/N
Genere giallo
Soggetto dal romanzo L'affaire Saint-Fiacre di Georges Simenon
Sceneggiatura Jean Delannoy e Rodolphe-Maurice Arlaud Michel Audiard (dialoghi)
Produttore Jean-Paul Guibert, Robert Gascuel (non accreditato)
Casa di produzione Cinétel, Pretoria Film, Filmsonor, Intermondia Film, Titanus
Fotografia Louis Page
Montaggio Henri Taverna
Musiche Jean Prodromidès
Scenografia René Renoux
Interpreti: Jean Gabin, Michel Auclair, Valentine Tessier, Jacques Morel, Robert Hirsch et Paul Frankeur

sabato 14 dicembre 2019


22. Maigret et les tentations charnelles
« Eliane en maillot de bain, une fille aux formes longues et robustes comme on en voit aux girls américaines […] magnifiquement impudique dans son maillot de bain […] Eliane avait daigné passer une robe […] sous laquelle elle devait être nue car, quand elle se dressait dans le soleil, on découvrait tout son corps en transparence. […] Il faisait chaud. Maigret regardait avec un certain trouble la peau d’Eliane » (Menaces de mort)

22. Maigret et le tentazioni carnali
« Eliane in costume da bagno, una ragazza dalle forme slanciate e sode, come si ammirano nelle girls americane […] magnificamente impudiche nel suo costume da bagno. […] Eliane si era degnata d’indossare un vestito […] sotto il quale però doveva essere nuda perché, quando si stagliava contro il sole, si scopriva tutto il suo corpo in trasparenza […] Faceva caldo. Maigret guardava con una qualche difficoltà la pelle di Eliane » (Minacce di morte)

22. Maigret and carnal temptations
“Eliane in a swimsuit, a girl with long and robust shapes as we see in American girls […] beautifully shameless in her swimsuit […] Eliane had deigned to put on a dress […] under which she obviously was naked, because, when she stood up in the sun, you could see her whole body in transparency. […] It was hot. Maigret, somewhat troubled, looked at Eliane’s skin” (Death Threats)

venerdì 13 dicembre 2019


Corriere dello Spettacolo - 08/12/2019 - Paola Pini - Non è facile rendere drammaturgicamente coerente ed efficace un romanzo breve come “Il gatto” di Georges Simenon, giocato tutto su atmosfere e interiorità, costruito quasi senza dialoghi e sviluppato prevalentemente nel silenzio dei personaggi. La traduzione e l’adattamento realizzato da Fabio Bussotti per lo spettacolo diretto da Roberto Valerio, in scena alla Sala Bartoli del Rossetti di Trieste, ci riesce appieno attraverso un ritmo da danza macabra, griglia che sostiene senza costringere, unito alla notevole capacità degli interpreti di alternare con abilità sentimenti anche molto distanti, mantenendo l’espressività su tonalità tenui in netto contrasto con la violenza insita nelle parole dei personaggi e nei pensieri, esplicitati come didascalie di un film muto. Alvia Reale è Marguerite, ma anche le altre donne passate e presenti di Émile...>>>

giovedì 12 dicembre 2019


Let’s talk a little about the novel Maigret and the Wine Merchant

Parliamo un po' del romanzo Maigret e il commerciante di vini
Parlons un peu du roman Maigret et le marchand de vin

The Chief Inspector’s investigations recounted by Simenon take rarely place in December. Is it because the novelist wanted to give some respite to his hero during Christmas and New Year? The only two December investigations are Maigret and the Wine Merchant and Maigret’s Christmas. Today we’ll talk about the first one.
Maigret and the Wine Merchant begins on December 15. The streets in Paris already smell of Christmas: there are “light garlands from a sidewalk to the other, golden or silver firs, Christmas trees in the displays.” The Chief inspector wonders what he will offer to Mme Maigret, but he has no idea (well, he doesn’t succeed in thinking about it, because he’s got a cold…).
It is cold, wind is blowing, and it is snowing, “tiny snow flakes that were gliding on the pavement like dust”. This meteorological atmosphere forces the Commissioner to put on his heavy black overcoat and a navy blue wool scarf knitted by Louise. But, since his investigation makes him continually roam from the icy streets to overheated houses, of course he gets a big cold, against which Mme Maigret fights with grogs and aspirin.
Having got a cold doesn’t prevent Maigret from savouring at lunch a creamy blanquette at the Brasserie Dauphine, and on the evening a choucroute prepared by his wife. Maybe this is a little too much, and during the night he’s got fever. But on next morning he nevertheless goes out because of his investigation, and he enters a bistro to swallow a few glasses of rum, then he gets back home to eat veal liver à la bourgeoise, drinking Bordeaux wine. After a good nap, here he goes hunting again, after having swallowed an aspirin, with a little glass of prunelle from Alsace. At the end of the day, he still drinks some cognac that he keeps in the cupboard of his office, then he goes home, “his pipe in his mouth, his legs a little wobbly” (well, we can understand that…).
On the next morning, weather has changed, it is less cold, and snow has turned into rain, “a long and monotonous rain that was streaking the window planes.” Maigret is feeling better, he has no more fever and his cold has disappeared. Well, does he need to eat much and drink alcohol to fight against an outbreak of flu? This is a Simenonian prescription that I doubt will be approved by the Faculty of Medicine… The proof is that on next morning Maigret has got fever again, not much, but this makes him feel “lazy and limp”; he drags in the apartment (it's Sunday ...), offers himself another glass of prunelle.
But on Monday his investigation, having had time to simmer, will accelerate: he discovers the track of Pigou, and now he will only need to follow the thread until the end… But it’s not so easy, because Maigret has got fever again, and he begins to have a sore throat; that doesn’t prevent him from drinking beer, and eating skate in black butter for the dinner, yet without any appetite.
The oncoming flu gives him a pretext to grumble, “as whenever he was ill at ease or an investigation was dragging on”. He ends up by going to bed. But he’ll be awakened by Pigou’s arrival, and the man will have time during two chapters to make his pathetic confession, drinking grogs with the Chief Inspector, who, “in the privacy of the apartment, a grog near at hand, looked like a benevolent elder to whom one could tell everything”…

by Simenon-Simenon

mercoledì 11 dicembre 2019


Cette année, nous commémorons les 30 ans de la disparition du romancier. Notre blog lui a rendu hommage au cours de ces derniers mois dans cette rubrique, dont voici l’avant-dernier chapitre.

Quest’anno ricordiamo i 30 anni dalla scomparsa del romanziere. Il nostro blog gli ha reso omaggio nel corso di questi ultimi mesi con questo rubrica di cui oggi presentiamo la penultima puntata.

This year, we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the disappearance of the novelist. Our blog has paid tribute during the last months in this column; today the penultimate chapter.

10) 30 lieux d’écriture pour Simenon

Rue de l’Enseignement à Liège ; rue des Dames à Paris ; place des Vosges à Paris ; villa des Roches-Grises à Antibes ; Hôtel de France à La Rochelle ; La Richardière à Marsilly ; boulevard Richard-Wallace à Neuilly ; La Cour-Dieu à Ingrannes ; La Lézardière à Anthéor ; Les Tamaris à Porquerolles ; Nieul-sur-Mer ; Mervent-Vouvant ; quai Victor-Hugo à Fontenay-le-Comte ; château de Terre-Neuve à Fontenay ; Saint-Mesmin ; Les Sables d’Olonne ; Sainte-Marguerite-du Lac-Masson ; Saint Andrews ; Bradenton Beach ; West Franklin Street à Tucson ; Stud Barn à Tumacacori ; Desert Sands à Tucson ; Carmel-by-the-Sea ; Shadow Rock Farm à Lakeville ; La Gatounière à Mougins; Golden Gate à Cannes; Echandens; Epalinges; la « petite maison rose » à Lausanne ; et.. l’Ostrogoth.

10) 30 luoghi di scrittura per Simenon

Rue de l’Enseignement a Liegi ; rue des Dames a Parigi ; place des Vosges a Parigi ; villa des Roches-Grises ad Antibes ; Hôtel de France a La Rochelle ; La Richardière a Marsilly ; boulevard Richard-Wallace a Neuilly ; La Cour-Dieu a Ingrannes ; La Lézardière a Anthéor ; Les Tamaris a Porquerolles ; Nieul-sur-Mer ; Mervent-Vouvant ; quai Victor-Hugo a Fontenay-le-Comte ; castello di Terre-Neuve a Fontenay ; Saint-Mesmin ; Les Sables d’Olonne ; Sainte-Marguerite-du Lac-Masson ; Saint Andrews ; Bradenton Beach ; West Franklin Street a Tucson ; Stud Barn a Tumacacori ; Desert Sands a Tucson ; Carmel-by-the-Sea ; Shadow Rock Farm a Lakeville ; La Gatounière a Mougins ; Golden Gate a Cannes; Echandens ; Epalinges; la « piccola casa rosa » a Losanna; e… l’Ostrogoth.

10) 30 places of writing for Simenon

Rue de l’Enseignement in Liège; rue des Dames in Paris; place des Vosges in Paris; villa des Roches-Grises in Antibes; Hôtel de France in La Rochelle ; La Richardière in Marsilly ; boulevard Richard-Wallace in Neuilly ; La Cour-Dieu in Ingrannes ; La Lézardière in Anthéor ; Les Tamaris in Porquerolles ; Nieul-sur-Mer ; Mervent-Vouvant ; quai Victor-Hugo in Fontenay-le-Comte ; Terre-Neuve castle in Fontenay ; Saint-Mesmin ; Les Sables d’Olonne ; Sainte-Marguerite-du Lac-Masson ; Saint Andrews ; Bradenton Beach ; West Franklin Street in Tucson ; Stud Barn in Tumacacori ; Desert Sands in Tucson ; Carmel-by-the-Sea ; Shadow Rock Farm in Lakeville ; La Gatounière in Mougins ; Golden Gate in Cannes; Echandens ; Epalinges; the “little pink house” in Lausanne; and… the Ostrogoth.