Cette année, nous commémorons les 30 ans de la disparition du romancier. Notre blog lui a rendu hommage au cours de ces derniers mois dans cette rubrique, dont voici le dernier chapitre.
Quest’anno ricordiamo i 30 anni dalla scomparsa del romanziere. Il nostro blog gli ha reso omaggio nel corso di questi ultimi mesi con questo rubrica di cui oggi presentiamo l’ultima puntata.
This year, we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the disappearance of the novelist. Our blog has paid tribute during the last months in this column; today the ultimate chapter.
11) 30 personnages dans les romans de Simenon
Bébé Donge, Betty, Jeanne Martineau, Marguerite Bouin, Louise Lomel, Dominique Salès, Nancy Hogan, Mona Sanders, Belle Sherman, Marie Gladel, Else Andersen, Aline Calas, Valentine Besson, Anna Peeters, Nathalie Sabin-Levesque
Norbert Monde, Joris Terlink, Jonas Milk, Lucien Gobillot, Léon Labbé, Kees Popinga, Hector Loursat, Charles Alavoine, Frank Friedmaier, Louis Cuchas, Jean Radek, Emile Ducrau, Dr Bellamy, Louis Thouret, Honoré Cuendet
11) 30 personaggi nei romanzi di Simenon
Bébé Donge, Betty, Jeanne Martineau, Marguerite Bouin, Louise Lomel, Dominique Salès, Nancy Hogan, Mona Sanders, Belle Sherman, Marie Gladel, Else Andersen, Aline Calas, Valentine Besson, Anna Peeters, Nathalie Sabin-Levesque
Norbert Monde, Joris Terlink, Jonas Milk, Lucien Gobillot, Léon Labbé, Kees Popinga, Hector Loursat, Charles Alavoine, Frank Friedmaier, Louis Cuchas, Jean Radek, Emile Ducrau, Dr Bellamy, Louis Thouret, Honoré Cuendet
11) 30 characters in Simenon’s novels
Bébé Donge, Betty, Jeanne Martineau, Marguerite Bouin, Louise Lomel, Dominique Salès, Nancy Hogan, Mona Sanders, Belle Sherman, Marie Gladel, Else Andersen, Aline Calas, Valentine Besson, Anna Peeters, Nathalie Sabin-Levesque
Norbert Monde, Joris Terlink, Jonas Milk, Lucien Gobillot, Léon Labbé, Kees Popinga, Hector Loursat, Charles Alavoine, Frank Friedmaier, Louis Cuchas, Jean Radek, Emile Ducrau, Dr Bellamy, Louis Thouret, Honoré Cuendet
Murielle Wenger
una galleria di personaggi indimenticabili
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