lunedì 15 luglio 2019


On a frequent Simenonian character: a liar, a cheat, and a failure 

A propos d’un personnage simenonien fréquent : un menteur, un tricheur et un raté 
A proposito di un tipico personaggio simenoniano: un bugiardo, un fannullone e un fallito

Maigret’s Childhood Friend, the English translation of L’ami d’enfance de Maigret recently released by Penguin, presents a complete portrait of a type often encountered by the Chief Inspector during his career.
Léon Florentin shows up in Maigret’s office all of a sudden to reveal he risks being charged for a murder just committed. The victim was his girlfriend Josée. Aware he was not “ her only friend, a knock on her apartment door sent him running into the bedroom to hide inside a wardrobe. After hearing a shot, he eventually built up the courage to come out and found the front room empty—except for Josée’s corpse. Maigret goes to the crime scene immediately, and a complicated investigation ensues. Josée was a master manipulator who had been juggling five lovers. Most of them knew nothing or little about their competitors. She had been acquiring money from three of them and amassing love from the other two. 
Maigret and Florentin had been “classmates” for five years as teenagers, and Maigret has vivid memories of him as “the class phony” who told more or less far-fetched” stories and “did not distinguish between truth and lying.” In the most recent 20 years, Maigret had only encountered the man once at which time he had introduced Monique, my wife,” but this time he admits, I never married her. So, Maigret quickly senses he was continuing a lifetime pattern of lyingIndeed, as “his friend” insistsIt’s the truth, Maigret recognizes he “had been play-acting all his life” and warns him to “Stop playing the clown. With blatant lies and fraudulent schemes surfacing one after the other during his investigationMaigret detested finding himself in a false situation again.” Still, despite openly criticizing FlorentinYou always lied. You lied for pleasure”—secretly Maigret asks himself, “Was he the murderer?” 
In fact, the Chief Inspector remains oddly “hesitant” about considering him guilty even as he uncovers incriminating information about his “friend.” For instance, since Florentin’s claim of “having a profession” as an antique dealer “rang false,” the detective inspects his shop and concludes he did not make his living selling furnishings at all. Plus he discovers a tin cookie box from Josée’s apartment. Stuffed with cash, it contained her life savings. Recognizing the man “who would have devoured her last penny had robbed her after her murderMaigret confronts him. After grumbling the familiar caveat, I’m not judging you. I’m trying to understand, he then forces a confession from the thief. Maigret also determines Florentin had been coaxing money out of her from funds provided for her support alone by her other lovers. In timeMaigret discovers that, right after her murder, Florentin had also stolen letters the other men had sent her, which he planned to use as tools for future blackmailingWhen Florentin throws himself in the Seine, Maigret remembers him as “the best swimmer among us” and interprets this as just another fake by the “aging failure” to create distraction and attract sympathy. 
Having lost his primary income source in Josée, the “half parasite, half con man” tries to bamboozle money from another suspected lover for Josée’s funeral” expenses. Not only does he undertake this scam in the waiting room to Maigret’s office, but also, when that fails, without taking a breath, he squeezes Maigret directly for some money. Perhaps unsurprisingly, even as Florentin acquiescesWhat’s the good in cheating you? There’s no point in trying to delude you,” Maigret hands him some cash and shakes his hand in a familiar display of sympathy for “his former comrade.” Review of Florentin’s criminal record—three convictions for bad check writing, swindling, and forgery, all capped with prison terms—raises him right to the top of the Chief Inspector’s suspect list. AdmittedlyMaigret would have already arrested him “had he not been his classmate.” No wonder Simenon asks, “Was it out of pity that Maigret had not arrested him?” On the other hand, when Florentin makes the major faux pas of insulting Maigret’s father, the son can barely restraining himself from slugging the “scoundrel. Thus, Florentin, the “friend” who “lied from start to finish, puts Maigret in a situation where all reasoning led back to him” as “the only logical culprit.” However, you will have to read this novel to the very end to learnout of Florentin and the other four suspects, who was guilty and of what. 

David P Simmons 

domenica 14 luglio 2019


Pour les 90 ans de sa naissance, le commissaire nous ouvre son livre de souvenirs. Nous vous proposons, à quinzaine, une rubrique pour commémorer cet événement phare de cette année 2019.  

Per i 90 anni dalla sua nascita, il commissario ci apre il suo libro dei ricordi. Noi vi proporremo, ogni quindici giorni, una rubrica per commemorare questo avvenimento clou per l’anno 2019. 

For the 90th anniversary of his birth, the Chief Inspector shows us his memory book. We propose a fortnight column to commemorate this milestone event of this year 2019. 

En 1934, Simenon avait décidé de me mettre à la retraite anticipée dans ses romans… Mais très vite je lui ai manqué et je réussis à le convaincre qu’il pourrait bien continuer à raconter mes enquêtes… Alors, il écrivit six nouveaux romans qu’il fit publier par Gallimard. 

Nel 1934, Simenon aveva deciso di mettermi in pensione anticipata nei suoi romanzi… Ma ben presto cominciai a mancargli e riuscii a convincerlo che avrebbe potuto tranquillamente continuare a raccontare le mie inchieste… Allora scrisse sei nuovi romanzi che fece pubblicare con Gallimard. 

In 1934 Simenon had decided to put me into early retirement in his novels… But soon he missed me and I succeeded in convincing him that he could go on telling my investigations… Thus he wrote six new novels published by Gallimard.  

sabato 13 luglio 2019


Dans la saga de Maigret, les 28 nouvelles sont souvent moins connues que les romans. Cependant, ces nouvelles sont intéressantes, parce qu’elles apportent, par petites touches, des nuances au portrait du commissaire. Nous avons choisi, dans chaque nouvelle, un extrait significatif, qui montre une facette de Maigret. Avec ces 28 nuances, on peut construire un portrait condensé du commissaire, et les lecteurs pourront s’amuser à rechercher dans quel roman on pourrait trouver une nuance semblable, ou développée d’une autre façon… 

Nella serie dei Maigret i 28 racconti sono spesso meno conosciuti dei romanzi. Al tempo stesso questi racconti sono interessanti, perché apportano, con dei piccoli ritocchi, delle sfumature al ritratto del commissario. Abbiamo scelto, in ciascun racconto, un estratto significativo, che mostra un lato di Maigret. Con queste 28 sfumature, si può costruire un ritratto condensato del commissario e i lettori potranno divertirsi a ricercare in quale romanzo si potrà ritrovare una sfumatura simile, o sviluppata in un altro modo. 

In the Maigret series, the 28 short stories are less known than the novels. Nonetheless these short stories are interesting because they bring, through small clues, nuances to the Chief Inspector’s portrait. We chose in each short story a significant extract, which shows a facet of Maigret. With these 28 shades we can build a condensed portrait of the Chief Inspector, and readers can try to search in which novel we could find a similar shade, or developed in another way… 

1. Maigret enquête près d’une écluse 
« Et Maigret […] était revenu sur les lieux, les mains dans les poches de son gros pardessus, l’air grognon et regardant le paysage maussade […] il y avait un bistrot […] C’est là […] que Maigret fit vraiment son enquête, sans en avoir l’air, buvant de temps en temps un verre, s’asseyant près du poêle, allant faire un petit tour dehors […] Maigret […], maussade comme un canal sous la pluie, était revenu à son écluse et ne pouvait plus s’en décoller » (La Péniche aux deux pendus) 

1. Maigret indaga nei pressi di una chiusa 
« E Maigret […] era tornato su quei luoghi, le mani in tasca del suo grosso soprabito, l’aria imbronciata, guardando il paesaggio cupo […] c’era un bistrot […]  E’ là […] che Maigret svolse davvero la sua inchiesta senza averne l’aria, bevendo di tanto in tanto da un bicchiere, sedendosi vicino alla stufa, andado a fare un piccolo giro fuori […] Maigret […], scuro come un canale sotto la pioggia, era tornato alla sua chiusa e non poteva più distaccarsene » (Maigret e la chiatta degli impiccati) 

1. Maigret investigates near a lock 
“And Maigret […] had returned to the scene, his hands in his overcoat pockets, with a grumpy air, and looking at the gloomy landscape […] there was a bistro […] It was there that Maigret really made his investigation, without seeming to, drinking from time to time a glass, sitting near the stove, going for a walk outside […] Maigret […] , as gloomy as a canal in the rain, had returned to his lock and could not take off anymore” (The Barge with Two Hanging Bodies) 

by Murielle Wenger