venerdì 24 luglio 2020


In 1972, Simenon no longer found his creative trance 

Nel 1972, Simenon non trovò più la sua trance creativa
En 1972, Simenon ne retrouve plus sa transe créatrice 

Epalinges. February 11, 1972. On that day, in his private office in the big villa, Simenon was finishing the drawing up of Chief Inspector Maigret's 103rd investigation. The title was Maigret et Monsieur Charles. The novel would be published in July in the same year, by the Presses de la Cité. As Simenon would have said, he was about to cross the line, but he didn't know it yet. That date was a fundamental one, that of the end of his career as a novelist. 
In fact, a few months after, in September, he made the usual preparatory rites, so to begin the drawing up of a new novel. He already had in mind the protagonist, for whom he had found a name, which would also had been the title of the novel: Victor. But by the end of the day, he hadn't succeeded in writing a single line. Was his creative trance, which he called état de romanmissing ? Was he overtired? Did particular emotional stress affect him? Was there any particular problem that troubled him? 
In a way, we could answer that was not the case. The bonds with his wife were now definitely cut off, for Denyse had left eight years before. His mother, with whom he had been in perpetual conflict, had died two years ago. Of course he was concerned with Marie-Jo, who didn't find her way and her mental equilibrium; but this was not a new problem, rather a critical situation of which Simenon was well conscious. And Teresa's presence gave him serenity and security.  
The following day he uselessly waited for the déclic that triggered the mechanism, as it had been the case for hundredth of times. But nothing happened. He said to Teresa: «If tomorrow I'm still in that condition, I can tell you that I'll stop writing...» And so it was. The fact is that Simenon didn't even try, at least it seems so, to put it off, for example up to the following week. He didn't think of making a pause for some months and waiting for inspiration to write another novel. 
His decision to stop writing was as if dictated by the awareness that his creative trance mechanism would not operate anymore. Why? Simenon didn't' ask himself questions about that, as he hadn't asked for all these years during which he had followed this état de roman that gave him inspiration, that led him to write, that guided him without making him know where the novel would go on. This had been his most spontaneous way of writing for forty years, an instinctive way and, as Simenon often pointed out, honest towards the readers. He only wrote about what he really felt, nothing else, nothing artificial or constructed. 
Years after that choice, he explained that if he had wanted too, he could have gone on writing Maigret novels or novels «à la Simenon». After hundredths of times, of course he had experience and the necessary ability to create a work, with themes, style, and typical «simenonian» atmosphere, and maybe nobody would have seen any differences with the preceding novels. But he claimed that it would not have been spontaneous and above all it would not have been fair towards his readers. 
Finally, he stopped writing, or rather he stopped writing novels. In fact he began dictating, the so called Dictées, which were recorded on magnetic tapes, and Lettre à ma mèrethen he wrote by hand his Mémoires intimes. These autobiographical works are of great interest, but of course they are not novels, as Simenon had accustomed the readers for decades. 
On February 1972, he made his typewriter silent. His état de roman became only a memory. Writing, his real reason for living, lost his sense. And this crossing the line took place in a global turnaround. He left the big house in Epalinges and settled down in a modest flat at the eighth floor in a building in Lausanne. He gave up his books, his cars, his valuable paintings, his servants. With a few essential belongings he entered a life phase that led him, as he said, to be “un homme comme les autres, like many of his so many characters in his novels. 

by Simenon-Simenon 

giovedì 23 luglio 2020


Una storia di uomini di mare, di destini crudeli e di tragiche vicende

Une histoire de marins, de destins cruels et d'événements tragiques
A story of seafarers, cruel destinies and tragic events

Sono praticamente quattro mesi da quando il precedente roman dur Il Signor Cardinau, era il 20 febbraio, usciva nelle librerie italiane. Circa una settimana fa' infatti, il 18 luglio è stata la volta di I superstiti del Telemaque. Il Simenon per l'estate, non poteva mancare soprattutto da quando non c'è più il commissario Maigret per l'estate che stava alle vacanze, come un buon calvados più una densa pipata ad un lauto piatto di choucroute.
Ora dobbiamo accontentarci, si fa per dire (!), di un roman dur. E questa volta è davvero duro. E' un racconto ambientato nel nord-ovest della Francia in quella costa della Normandia, dove i marinai e pescatori conducono un'esistenza difficile, per la quale serve una tempra irriducibile.
E' la vita di due fratelli gemelli, cui il mare ha rapito il padre in un naufragio nelle lontane acque del Brasile e che vivono a Fécamp, dove conducono la loro esistenza quattro marinai sopravvissuti grazie alle carni del loro compagno. La madre è impazzita dal dolore e i due fratelli vanno avanti grazie ad una particolare simbiosi, Charles tutto cervello, vive all'ombra del fratello, cui dà però tutto il suo supporto, fino ad aiutarlo a diventare ufficiale di marina, Pierre, invece in vista e conosciuto da tutti.
Il dramma si consuma quando viene trovato sgozzato l'ultimo sopravvissuto del tremendo naufragio in Brasile. Pierre viene accusato dell'omicidio e finisce in carcere. Charles inizia una sua inchiesta personale per scagionare il fratello e proprio quando sembra averlo individuato con tanto di prove...
Simenon torna in questo romanzo di oltre ottantant'anni fa', alle brumose atmosfere di una città di pescatori, con il freddo, l'odore del pesce dappertutto, fin dentro i caffè, in una famiglia dove non c'è spazio per una vita normale, il cui destino sembra accanirsi come tempesta senza fine.
Ma il rapporto simbiotico tra i due gemelli ci sembra un po' il raggio di sole del romanzo, il simbolo di una possibile sopravvivenza. Uno nell'ombra l'altro alla luce del sole, i due riescono grazie a questa speciale relazione ad andare avanti. Ma quello che sembra il più forte e il più spavaldo, deve poggiarsi su quello che appare il più debole e schivo, ma che è dotato della forza dell'intelletto: come due facce della stessa medaglia, all'apparenza una più lucida e una più opaca. E quando sembra che il destino possa forzare la situazione cambiando le vicende e le persone, Simenon ci mostra ancora una volta come questo non sia possibile e le cose procedano sempre secondo il volere del fato onnipotente.

mercoledì 22 luglio 2020


En 1948, Simenon s'installe à Tumacacori, en Arizona, dans une maison appelée Stud Barn. Il y restera une année, le temps d'écrire quatre romans.

Nel 1948 Simenon si sistema a Tumacacori in Arizona, in una casa chiamata Stud Barn. Vi resterà un anno, il tempo di scrivere quattro romanzi

In 1948 Simenon settled in Tumacacori, Arizona, in a house called Stud Bar. He stayed there for a year, and wrote four novels.

Stud Barn - Tumacacori  (Arizona)

martedì 21 luglio 2020


Le parallèle entre les étapes d'une enquête de Maigret et celles de la rédaction du roman 

Il parallelo tra le fasi di un'indagine di Maigret e quelle della scrittura del romanzo
The parallel between the stages of an investigation by Maigret and those of the writing of the novel 

Dans une interview de 1964, un journaliste faisait cette remarque à Simenon : « Une chose me frappe dans les romans où vous mettez en scène le commissaire Maigret : au début de ses enquêtes, Maigret se sent mal dans sa peau, il rassemble des sensations, il rumine, il incube en quelque sorte ; puis, tout à coup, les intuitions s'organisent, l'enquête approche dès lors de son point crucial. N'y a-t-il pas là un processus parallèle à ce qui se passe quand vous entrez en roman ? ». Simenon répondit : « C'est absolument certain. Savez-vous que les policiers travaillent souvent comme ça ? J'ai assisté à des enquêtes policières. Eh bien, il arrive toujours un moment précis où tout le monde sent que quelque chose de décisif va se passer, un coup de téléphone, ou une planque qui donne un résultat, bref, un événement qui va relancer l'enquête. » 
Aujourd'hui, nous allons nous intéresser à ce parallèle qu'on peut établir entre l'enquête menée par le commissaire et le travail du romancier. C'est un parallèle dont Simenon était conscient, ainsi qu'il le disait dans une autre interview : « Il faut que je passe par les mêmes angoisses que Maigret, et, comme lui, généralement au cinquième ou sixième chapitre, j'ai ce passage difficile ; je me trouve devant trois, quatre, cinq solutions différentes, et je me demande laquelle est la bonne. C'est généralement le jour le plus difficile à passer, celui où la décision va emporter le reste du roman. » ; et d'ajouter : « Au fond, il n'y a rien qui ressemble à un roman comme une enquête policière... » Prenons quelques exemples dans les romans de la saga. 
Dans La Tête d'un homme, aux deux tiers du roman, Maigret éprouve le besoin de faire le point, et il établit un récapitulatif des événements survenus jusque-là, afin de permettre à son enquête de progresser. On peut imaginer que ce récapitulatif est utile au romancier lui-même, qui ressent peut-être la même nécessité de faire avancer le récit et l'intrigue. 
Dans Au Rendez-Vous des Terre-Neuvas, le commissaire, se rendant sur les lieux où a eu lieu le drame, tente de « faire vivre le décor », fait « manœuvrer ses personnages », jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tous « à leur place, avec leur mentalité particulière, leurs préoccupations » ; il « établit un plan » dans un « effort douloureux ». Ne dirait-on pas une description du romancier en train de créer son roman, d'accoucher de son texte ? 
Dans Le Fou de Bergerac, Maigret, qui a été blessé, doit mener son enquête tout en étant alité. Sa façon d'agir le rapproche du travail du romancier : Maigret « agite des personnages créés ou reconstitués par son imagination », il en fait des portraits « comme un peintre brosse une toile », « en reconstituant […] un Bergerac aussi vivant que possible », dont « à petites touches, il corrige l'image ». 
Dans Chez les Flamands, le titre du chapitre 7 est « Un trou de trois heures ». Ce titre s'applique, non, comme on pourrait le croire, au contrôle d'un alibi erroné, mais bien à la marche de l'enquête : le trou en question est constitué par la pause que prend Maigret dans son investigation pour s'occuper d'autres détails (un coup de téléphone à sa femme et à la P.J.). Mais c'est aussi une pause nécessaire à la relance du récit : c'est le moment où l'enquête piétine (illustré par la mauvaise humeur manifestée par le commissaire), et c'est aussi le moment où le romancier doit réfléchir à la suite du récit et comment faire progresser l'action ; c'est une mécanique qu'on retrouve dans nombre de romans. 
Au chapitre 7 du Fou de Bergerac, Maigret reçoit plusieurs renseignements, et il se fait alors cette réflexion que c'était « toute l'affaire, en somme, qui changeait de ton ». Cela s'applique à l'enquête, mais on peut l'étendre au roman : l'intrusion de nouveaux éléments constitue une relance de l'intrigue, et ce n'est pas un hasard si cela intervient à cet endroit du récit. Il est en effet fréquent qu'une nouvelle information ou une cogitation du commissaire surviennent aux deux tiers du roman, et permettent de faire progresser l'enquête jusqu'à son dénouement. On retrouve ainsi ce que disait Simenon à propos des enquêtes policières, mais cela illustre aussi ce parallèle entre le récit de l'enquête et la construction du roman. 

Murielle Wenger 

lunedì 20 luglio 2020


Ouest France - 16/07/2020 - 2e épisode - Roman de l’été. Chaque semaine, nous vous proposons un volet d’une aventure fontenaisienne dont vous êtes le héros. Une histoire écrite par Manon et Noémie Rivière, deux sœurs de Saint-Michel-le-Cloucq. La semaine dernière, le narrateur, fan de Simenon, venait de trouver une carte de Fontenay-le-Comte dans le château de Terre-Neuve avec trois croix. Ces croix indiquent l’emplacement de l’église Notre-Dame, de la fontaine des Quatres-Tias et du parc Baron. Grâce à vos votes, chers lecteurs, notre personnage va commencer sa quête par Notre-Dame.
« En remontant vers le centre-ville, mes pieds me menèrent d’eux-mêmes vers l’église. Rien de bien étonnant à cela : l’édifice imposant est visible de loin. Les touristes pensent souvent qu’il s’agit d’une cathédrale. Arrivé devant la porte nord, j’entrai dans l’église attentif à chaque détail. Je n’avais aucune idée de ce que j’étais venu chercher. L’église gothique du XVe siècle est certes majestueuse mais également pleine de recoins, d’œuvres d’art et de statues. Je me trouvai là au milieu de l’église, la carte dans ma main droite, la tête cherchant de tous côtés. Je n’avais pas plus d’indices… Au fond, près du chœur, un homme était en train de ranger des cierges. Il s’agissait sûrement d’un homme connaissant l’église. Il pourrait peut-être m’aiguiller....>>>

sabato 18 luglio 2020


La Vanguardia - 12/07/2020 - John Carlin - Pienso mucho en la muerte últimamente. En los asesinatos, para ser más exacto. Esta semana terminé de leer la última de las 75 novelas negras de Georges Simenon, joyas cada una de ellas que tienen como protagonista al inspector Maigret, mi querido compañero de noche durante estos meses de confinamiento. En todos los libros hay un asesinato y en todos los casos Maigret lo resuelve. La sorpresa es que no se mata a sí mismo. Fuma –una pipa– todas las horas del día. Empieza a beber a las ocho de la mañana, habitualmente un par de copas de vino blanco, a veces un brandy. Y no para –cerveza, anís, coñac, más vino– hasta que se acuesta, pero nunca, si está en casa, sin tomarse antes un par de licores de cereza...


El objetivo sería que la esposa contrajera el virus para poder pasárselo a su marido. La edad de la mujer le permite pensar que los síntomas no serán peores que los de una gripe normal; la edad del marido lo ­coloca en la franja de “los más vulne­rables”.
Con lo cual lo que le corresponde a ella es pasar olímpicamente del dogma del distanciamiento social y salir de casa todo lo que pueda, inicialmente durante la etapa más severa del confinamiento. Si hubiese estado aquí, en España, en marzo se hubiese comprado un perro para poder salir todo lo que quisiera, asegurándose de no perder nunca la oportunidad de iniciar conversaciones, preferiblemente acompañadas de carcajadas, con los dueños de los demás perros que se encontrase por el camino. Más fácil, y con (Oriol Malet)...>>>

venerdì 17 luglio 2020


Quando il passato torna e fa sentire tutta la sua forza 

Quand le passé revient et se fait sentir
When the past returns and makes its full strength felt

La politica, un terreno che Simenon ha praticato molto poco nei suoi romanzi. Un personaggio politico, Augustine, abbastanza positivo come non ci aspetterebbe da un romanziere che più volte non ha nascosto la sua poca considerazione politica.
Romanzo d'ambientazione politica, abbiamo detto, ma anche un impietoso confronto tra un passato che lo vedeva Presidente del Consiglio e dotato di un notevole potere e il vecchio isolato di oggi che, dopo una crisi governativa è rimasto fuori dai giochi e vive nella speranza di poter rientrare.
L'ex primo ministro viene chiamato da Simenon semplicemente Augustine, nome che ce lo fa collegare ad un altro politico, un ministro dei lavori pubblici, protagonista nel romanzo Maigret chez le ministre, che guarda caso si chiama Auguste, Auguste Point. 
Anche qui, come ne Il presidente la distruzione di documenti è un punto essenziale, per cancellare malefatte e non lasciare tracce e scomode testimonianze.
Augustine pensava di poter utilizzare certe carte contro il suo ex-segretario Chalamont, avviato da lui stesso alla politica, il quale aveva profittato di certe informazioni riservatissime alla vigilia di una svalutazione, passandole ad un familiare che poté realizzare enormi guadagni in borsa. Allora Augustine aveva capito tutto e aveva conservato che documentazione che inchiodava Chalamont. Ma quando all'orizzonte si profila una crisi che potrebbe riportare alla politica l'ex-Presidente del Consiglio, E' invece il nome di Chalamont che radio e giornali danno come il più accreditato. Augustin pensa di usare i vecchi documenti. Ma ben preso si renderà conto che è lui a non aver capito. Non aver capito che nel suo isolamento era controllato a vista dalla sua segretaria, dalla cameriera, dall'autista... Non aver capito che tutti i suoi "pericolosi" documenti erano da tempo ai servizi segreti e  non aver capito perché nonostante le sue minacce Chalamont di fa beffe di lui.


Nel 1961 il regista Henry Verneuil, accettò di girare il film tratto dal romanzo. La produzione franco-italiana, vede un grande Jean Gabin nella parte di Augustin  e Bernard Blier in quella dell'ex-segretario Chalamont. La vicenda non è molto fedele al romanzo originale, ma l'interpretazione di Gabin lo fa dimenticare. D'altronde Gabin va considerato un interprete simenoniano per eccellenza, visti i suoi tre Maigret e l'interpretazione di non pochi film tratti di romans durs di Simenon.

giovedì 16 luglio 2020


About an interview with Simenon made by Lacassin in 1969 

Su un intervista a Simenon fatta da Lacassin nel 1969
propos d'une interview de Simenon faite par Lacasssin en 1969 

“Of course, any writer puts something of himself in his characters, and a character like the Chief Inspector, which had accompanied Simenon during forty years, must have something in common with his creator. Maigret was a character all invented, but he allowed Simenon to expose his own convictions. Isn’t Maigret, among the millions of characters created by the novelist, the one with whom he had a preferential relationship?” 
These are some arguments given by people about the theme of similarities between Simenon and Maigret. It’s a theme that has often been talked about. Discussions crossed and multiplied. Today we should like to talk about an interesting interview with Simenon made by Francis Lacassin in July 1969. It’s more than an interview, it’s a kind of chat that spans 360 degrees in the Simenonian universe, and that of Maigret is an unavoidable stage that Lacassin fathoms well. In a chapter entitled An anarchist named Maigret, which is about the beginnings of the series of his investigations, Simenon told this: “at the beginning, Maigret was rather elementary, wasn’t he? He was a placid man. He trusted more on his instinct than on his intelligence and in all the fingerprints or in the other proceedings that he obligatorily followed, but without believing too much in them. In fact, little by little we began to resemble us a little, but I couldn’t tell whether I got closer to him or whether it was the character that got to resemble me more and more. What is certain is that I took some of his attitudes and he took some of mine.” 
Here Simenon talked about Maigret as if he were a real person, and not an invented character, and of course, whatever the character did or thought, it was obviously Simenon that made him do or think so. This is significant of the fact that the relationship between the character and the novelist was quite particular.  
Then Simenon explained some specific details: “I was often asked why Maigret didn’t’ have any children, despite the fact that he would have wanted too. This was his great nostalgia. He has no children because when I began to write the novels - and I had written at least about thirty before having myself a son, my first wife didn’t want to have children. She had me swear, before marrying, that we wouldn’t have children […]. I suffered much about it, because I’m so fond of children… Just like Maigret… So I was not able to describe a Maigret who went back home and took care of one or two children. How would he speak to them, how would he react when they cried, how would he have done with bottle feeding if Mme Maigret should be ill? It was impossible for me to know it. Consequently, I had to create a couple that could not have children…” 
This shows that, to write about a topic, Simenon needed to have a minimum of personal experience about that topic. He wrote about what he lived, he described what he knew. He could very well have asked a friend who had children to tell him how the life was with them, the problems, the rhythms of day and so on… But he didn’t do so. If a topic wasn’t part of his experience, he didn’t deal with it. And this makes the difference with the period when he wrote popular novels, for which he invented all. For example, in his adventure novels, which took place in all the most exotic places in the world, he needed but an atlas, some pictures, and some information. But these novels were not signed Simenon, they were not made as he wanted himself, but as the publishers wanted him to do them. Then the time arrived when he moved on to “semi-literature” and he could choose the topics, the characters, the settings for the Maigret novels, and afterwards to “true literature” and the “romans durs”. 
We should like to finish this post by quoting another statement Simenon made, and the Lacassin’s comment about it. Simenon said:
“Maigret doesn’t resemble me. As I am getting older I start to look like him.” And Lacassin commented: “Beyond the pipe and the glasses of white wine drunk on the zinc counter in bars, Simenon and Maigret have other points in common, and in particular the same faith in human dignity.” 

by Simenon-Simenon 

mercoledì 15 luglio 2020


En octobre 1955, Simenon loue la villa Golden Gate à Cannes, où il restera jusqu'en juillet 1957.

Nell'ottobre del 1955, Simenon affitta la Villa di Golden Gate a Cannes dove resterà fino a luglio 1957

In October 1955 Simenon rented the Golden Gate villa in Cannes, where he stayed until 1957.

Golden Gate /France