venerdì 28 agosto 2020
giovedì 27 agosto 2020
mercoledì 26 agosto 2020
What role does the Chief Inspector's wife play in the saga?
Che ruolo gioca la moglie del commissario nella serie?
Quel rôle joue la femme du commissaire dans la saga?
Maigret would not have been Maigret without Louise. He met her for the first time in a party given by her uncle and aunt (see Maigret’s Memoirs). At the time, young Maigret was certainly not an excellent match, even if he had recently been promoted, from neighbourhood patrols (with uniform and bicycle) to secretary at the Saint-Georges police station. But his earnings were still low. Louise’s family was from Alsace and they all worked in Civil engineering, so Jules’ belonging to low ranks in police made him almost a stranger… Louise parents would have wished her to marry an engineer, from their world. But love won over Civil engineering. Jules and Louise married in October 1912 and she officially entered the role of Mme Maigret, the Chief Inspector's wife.
At first sight she might seem like a secondary element in the serial narrative of the Maigret novels; she doesn’t always appear in the investigations, his husband doesn’t call her by her first name, but he always calls her “Mme Maigret”. She would be a kind of appendix, but in fact she acts as a reference to a series of elements that make Maigret’s character more complete and give him a greater depth. His little manias, his domestic habits; he, who can be so grumpy and intractable at the Quai des Orfèvres, becomes so pampered and thoughtfully cared in his apartment in boulevard Richard-Lenoir. The after-dinner prunelle, made by Louise’ s sister in Alsace; smoking a pipe before going to bed; asking what’s for dinner and trying to guess it from the pots sizzling on the stove. And her, guessing the heavy passes of her husband beyond the door, when, returning home in the evening, he climbs the stairs. And her patience in collecting ashes and tobacco that Maigret’s pipes leave everywhere. And also the dinner evenings at their friends the Pardon, the Sundays spent at the cinema, where he often fells asleep.
All habits that, thanks to this home life, present Maigret’s other side. In short, Mme Maigret is, at the beginning of the series, a narrative expedient to reveal this other side of the Chief Inspector, but little by little she takes shape and body, and becomes a co-protagonist and even a protagonist in some investigations. And then she gets more and more emancipated; she remains a housewife, but adapting to times. For example in the last novels she drives a car, having taken a license.
But she is also an independent woman. She is used to periods of solitude when his husband spends a few nights away from home in the course of his investigations. Sometimes she goes to visit her sister in Alsace. Sometimes she happens to help Maigret in an investigation. Mme Maigret secretly follows his husband’s cases in the newspapers. This irritates a little the Chief Inspector, who pretends not to know it, but sometimes gets angry when she doesn’t hide them well and he finds one in the house.
However, Mme Maigret’s real importance is different. Simenon portrays in her, as well in her physical as in her behavioural characteristics, the ideal woman and wife. He always writes about her with some attention and a pinch of envy, which is often to be read between the lines of the novels. Of course we can better notice and understand it when we know Simenon’s life and relationships with women. For example, at first glance we find in Mme Maigret that physical roundness, a kind of plump silhouette, discreet, endowed where it has to be; it is a bit the physical description that Simenon made of Boule. Mme Maigret is also graceful, ready to step aside when his husband is in black mood, to cuddle him when he needs it, and above all to seduce him with her cooking.
by Simenon-Simenon
martedì 25 agosto 2020
Dans une interview donnée en 1964, Simenon explique le processus de création
In un'intervista rilasciata nel 1964, Simenon spiega il processo creativo
In an interview given in 1964, Simenon explained the creative process
Henri-Charles Tauxe est un écrivain et journaliste suisse, qui a interviewé Simenon à plusieurs reprises. C'est lui qui recueillit les déclarations du romancier en 1973, lorsque celui-ci fit connaître sa décision de ne plus écrire de romans. Dans la Gazette de Lausanne du 25 juillet 1964 était publié un article consacré à Simenon, écrit par Henri-Charles Tauxe à partir d'un entretien entre les deux hommes. Dans cet entretien, le romancier revenait sur plusieurs aspects de sa création littéraire, et pour le billet d'aujourd'hui, nous vous proposons quelques extraits de cet article.
D'abord, Simenon donne quelques considérations générales sur le roman et la raison pour laquelle il écrit. « Je ne mets jamais d'opinions personnelles définitives dans mes livres […]. Il y a toujours autant de romans que de lecteurs, un livre peut contenir ce que chacun y voit. » ; « Un vrai roman doit partir d'êtres vivants ; si vous partez d'une idée, d'un schéma abstrait, vous ferez un mauvais roman. […] Pour moi, le roman doit sortir de l'intuition, plus que du sens critique ou de l'intelligence. J'irais même jusqu'à dire que le romancier ne doit pas être trop intelligent ! » ; « On écrit, à mon sens, lorsqu'on est mal dans sa peau, lorsqu'on n'est pas en équilibre parfait, par besoin de s'extérioriser. […] en écrivant, je réponds à un besoin profond, un besoin de communication, de comprendre les autres. »
Invité à s'exprimer sur le choix de ses personnages, il dit : « prenez des vies que l'on s'accorde à considérer comme réussies ; qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Quand, dans quelles conditions peut-on dire qu'un homme a réussi ? À cinquante ans, tel homme occupe une position brillante dans la société ; mais comment réagira-t-il devant la maladie, la mort ? […] je n'ai jamais rencontré d'hommes complets ; chez tous, vous découvrez une faille, plus ou moins cachée. L'homme cherche à s'habiller de titres, de décorations, parce qu'il a peur de lui-même, il veut se rassurer. Au-delà de cette surface, vous trouvez ce que j'aime à appeler l'homme nu. Et c'est celui-là qui m'intéresse ; j'essaie d'écrire le roman de l'homme nu. »
Puis Tauxe lui demande comment il entre dans une période de création : « Je tiens d'abord à préciser que je ne suis pas un homme de lettres, au sens strict du terme ; à part les périodes où je suis « en roman », je n'ai aucune vie littéraire, je n'écris aucun article, je vis comme n'importe qui. En ce qui concerne mon « entrée en roman », les choses se passent presque toujours de la même manière : au départ, je ressens comme un malaise, je suis mal dans ma peau […]. Alors je me mets à marcher, dans la campagne, assez souvent une odeur s'associe à un souvenir ; il se fait dès lors un travail inconscient, un paysage ancien s'anime, des personnages commencent à naître, je me représente le lieu de leur existence de façon très nette ; s'il s'agit d'une maison, j'en ai une représentation précise, je fais même des plans. En possession de cette matière de base, je me pose la question suivante : qu'est-ce qui va obliger ces personnages à aller jusqu'au bout d'eux-mêmes ? »
Enfin, le romancier développe le processus d'écriture : « Je n'ai aucune idée de l'évolution de mes personnages lorsque j'écris le premier chapitre ; la fin m'est complètement inconnue. J'apprends à connaître mes personnages pendant les 10 ou 12 jours que dure la rédaction d'un roman. […] il est extrêmement épuisant de vivre longtemps dans un personnage ; je n'écris que quelques heures par jour, mais je vis nuit et jour avec mes personnages. Cette tension ne peut durer indéfiniment ; il faut qu'au bout de quelques jours je sois débarrassé de mes personnages. [Après la révision], j'oublie le roman. L'écho du roman ne me parvient que trois ou quatre ans plus tard. Je ne me souviens d'ailleurs jamais du détail de l'intrigue […], mais des personnages, de la ligne mélodique. »
Murielle Wenger
domenica 23 agosto 2020
venerdì 21 agosto 2020
giovedì 20 agosto 2020
About the creation of Maigret in the 30s
Sulla creazione di Maigret negli anni '30
A propos de la création de Maigret dans les années 1930
The good fortune of some characters in serial literature obviously resides in the complex of their temperemental, psychological and physical components. From Sherlock Holmes to Sam Spade and to Montalbano, from Great Britain in the late 1800s, to the USA in the middle 1900s and to Europe in the 2000s. Epochs, cultures and sensibilities are various, but, above all in the detective novel, the formula proves successful and not only in the country of origin, because the characters we mentioned have become famous all around the world and, each one in his way, an icon of the multifaceted aspects of this genre.
Simenon surely knew that, just like writers as Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Dashiell Hammet, Raymond Chandler (Philip Marlowe), Rex Stout (Nero Wolfe), Erle Stanley Gardner (Perry Mason). Each of them had followed his own way, finding a narrative mode and building characters so typical that they had a great hold in the public.
When it was time for young Simenon to move from popular literature, written on order, to semi-literature, he was aware of the fact that this literary genre was of great appeal to the public, as long as one knew how to master the characters, their psychology, the setting, the plot. And in all these years during which he had written popular literature, he had accumulated experience and developed a craft that were superimposed on innate qualities.
Thus creating a character who, especially for those early 30s was going against the current, must have required some time but, knowing his creative talent, it must not have cost him such much effort. His skill consisted in creating a completely flat character, far away from stereotypes that would have made him slip into a series B narrative.
Maigret is a middle-aged judicial police officer who shuns blatant actions and extravagant attitudes; he is often taciturn and sometimes even (apparently) trivial, with simple tastes, in short a grey employee rather than a brilliant and seducing detective. How could such a character attract readers? This was precisely the question that his publisher Fayard was asking himself, and he was not at all convinced that this character was the right one to be launched. And then long discussions broke out whether to publish or not the investigations of Chief Inspector Maigret. But Fayard had not reckoned with the character’s double face, who on one side created an immediate identification with common people, not prone to reckless attitudes and dangerous actions. On the other side, Maigret’s strength was psychology, his own psychology and the one he used during his investigations.
In fact he was a character which, in the course of his countless enquiries, took on an increasingly complex personality, rich of sometimes even contradictory facets. His famous “adjusting destinies” was, after all, in deep conflict with his investigative role that obviously did not foresee that he could decide whether someone could or not escape justice. Psychology was the most effective weapon he used. He always wanted to understand the reason and for that he needed to know the mentality of the ambiance in which the crime had matured. Which were the interpersonal relationships between people in the place? What did go through the mind of the persons he interrogated or he simply observed? When he succeeded in understanding all of this, then he was able to retrace the stages of the tragedy, he understood why everything had occurred, he felt the actions and reactions of people and, having become one of them, he came to solve the case.
by Simenon-Simenon